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bump day – week 31 | colorado wedding photographer

Filed in: Personal

i know i still have 9 weeks or so to go until we meet our little man, and still a lot to learn about the last stages of pregnancy, but there are a few things that every pregnant woman should know. so here i go – take it or leave it – my top 5 pieces of advice for those of us growing rounder 😉

1. let them help.

this one wasn’t easy for me, and it took me until the mid-first-trimester-nausea-phase to really give into it. this is not the time to be a hero. even when you feel great, soak it up, because there will be just as many days where you’re exhausted, cranky, or just plain…pregnant. when the hubs wants to do the dishes, or make dinner, or rub your back. let him. no questions asked. when the stranger wants to open the door for you, let them. soak up the time being spoiled!

2. pick something to feel good about.

let’s face it, even the victoria’s secret models who get pregnant will have their moments of doubt and insecurity about their growing bodies. the fact is, you’re gonna grow. and not just in your belly. if any woman can go the full 40 weeks without breaking down about their new appearance at least once, they deserve some sort of massive trophy. for the rest of us, it’s time to focus on what we have. for me, i chose pedicures. my feet have yet to swell, and, well, i can’t really reach my toes too well, hehe. it’s one part of my body that feels pretty, all the time, no matter how much the rest of me changes. maybe yours is your hair, maybe it’s some cute shoes, or some new jewelry, but pick something that you can really feel good about yourself with. that one little thing can go a long way on the days you feel like a walking whale 😉

3. stop comparing yourself.

i love me some internet, some pinterest, and some facebook, but the fact is, your pregnancy is not like the other women. sure, that lady in the photos on pinterest may look like she had the happiest, most amazing pregnancy ever, and only gained 20 pounds – but that’s her. and that’s only half her story. this is your body, creating a fricking human. yep. so just let it do what it need to do. it took me way too long to let this one really soak in. i’ve compared my weight gain to charts, compared my belly to others’ photos, and compared nearly every other detail there is to compare. but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. this is you. no one else.

4. know what’s up.

this one’s tricky, because i really believe it’s all about balance. we live in a new society where information is everywhere. it’s overwhelming, even. our kids will know what google means way before they know what the heck an encyclopedia is. it’s scary. but it’s also kind of awesome. so read some books. right when i announced my pregnancy to my family, my sister sent me the girlfriend’s guide to pregnancy, and a friend got me the classic what to expect when you’re expecting. they’re both great, and i highly recommend them. but there’s thousands of books. even more websites, then add in forums, social media, and people’s stories of what happened to them and the people they knew, and it’s too much. this is all gonna happen how it’s gonna happen. so know enough to know what’s going on, but not enough to scare yourself. i don’t care what the boy scouts say, you can definitely be over-prepared.

5. find your way of relaxing.

i’m one of those people who bounces when they sit. and i can’t just watch tv. sure, i can watch tv while i update my website, and at the same time pet my cat luna, but i can’t just sit. it’s a disease, i swear. when i’m on, i’m on. but this whole making-a-human-thing, is a new type of demanding. it forced me to learn to just sit, just lay, or just take a bath. i had to figure out how to relax. take it from me, and give in early.



how far along? 31 weeks.
maternity clothes? yes!
stretch marks? still none, and i really hope it stays that way!
sleep? off and on – just depends on the night.
best moment of the week? mallory – the bride from last weekend’s wedding – made little lyon a baby blanket. made it. and packaged it with the sweetest little note. and becca – my bride from the week before – made me the most adorable survival kit for her wedding day – complete with mini oreos, water bottles, lotion, and even popsicles and ice cream! i don’t even know how to put into words how great it feels to have such thoughtful clients/friends 🙂
movement? i think he’s been inspired by the olympics – all he does is wiggle!
symptoms: sleepy-ness!
milestones: feeling hiccups from the little man!
miss anything? jeans. just a normal pair of jeans, hehe.
food cravings: i’m still stuck on ice cream and mexican. but not together.
belly button in or out? out!
wedding rings on or off? on!
looking forward to: my bestie’s wedding this weekend! i’m attending as the matron of honor, and not the photographer – which is equally awesome and strange 🙂

comments +

  1. Alan Lyon says:


  2. Cathy Marie says:

    #5. You come by that one honestly. 🙂 In fact, I’m surprised you actually CAN just sit and do nothing. Take advantage of it while you can. <3

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