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Bump Day – Week 12

Filed in: Personal

Every Wednesday, I hear someone say, “Smile! It’s hump day!” As in, you know, the “hump” of the week, Wednesday! Well, I’m reinventing Hump Day, at least for the next 28 weeks or so. From now on, at least in my pregnant little mind, Wednesdays are Bump Day. And on every Bump Day, I’ll try my hardest to post an update about – you guessed it – the bump. The ups. The downs. In 50 years, I’m sure I’ll get a kick out of reading all of these! ๐Ÿ™‚ So, here it goes!

For the first 12 weeks, theย reality of being pregnant first came with the nausea. But, the good news is, it’s almost completely gone, and I should be well past it by the time wedding season is here! By then, I’ll be a seasoned pro at this whole playing-hostess-to-a-baby thing!

They say a lot changes when you have a baby, which undoubtedly is true, but no one mentions how much changes when you just have the bun cookin’. Nate has stepped up to the plate in ways that I could have never imagined! Ladies, my biggest advice so far – marry a man who knows how to take care of you when you’re tired, cranky, and sometimes useless. (But, if you’re one of my brides reading this, no worries – you’re awesome, and so is your man.) Nate has taken out more trash, done more laundry, and fed the cat (who made that stuff SOOO stinky?) more in the past 12 weeks than he should ever have to alone! He’s my trooper, and I love him for it ๐Ÿ™‚

Since not much has changed with my actual “bump” (I just look like I’ve had one too many cupcakes right now), I thought I’d post some more interesting pictures – the baby’s first photos! We’ve had TWO ultrasounds so far and it’s been great to see our little nugget twice!

Little Lyon’s 10 week ultrasound:

This was the first time we got to see our little guy/girl, and I don’t even have the words to describe how incredible it was to see our son/daughter for the first time. His/her little legs were kicking, arms waving, and it was a real baby in there!

Little Lyon’s 12 week ultrasound:

We actually got some 3D images at our 12 weeks ultrasound, something we were not expecting at all! The growth that happened in 2 weeks is just so amazing. Our Little Lyon is healthy and still kicking away. ๐Ÿ™‚

I saw this weekly little quiz on someone’s Pinterest, and thought it was a cute way of tracking the small details that change week to week, so, here I go!

How Far Along? 12 weeks
Maternity Clothes? Nope, I did get some cute things from the H&M Mama line, though!
Weight Gain? Down a few pounds (nausea is to blame)
Stretch Marks? Nope!
Sleep? Getting rough already.
Best Moment of the Week? Nate saying good morning to the baby and kissing my belly.
Movement? Not for a couple of months at least
Gender? Who knows! This week, we think boy!
Symptoms: The fatigue and sickness is getting much better, but I still have my moments!
Milestones: My last week in the first trimester!
Emotions: Excited for our next chapter!
Miss Anything? Clear skin – darn you crazy hormones…
Food cravings: Cheetos!! I will never admit how many I ate…
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Getting out of the first trimester

see ya next bump day ๐Ÿ™‚


also, i have a pretty awesome giveaway goin’ on right now (if i do say so myself) so go ahead, check it out and enter to win an ah-mazing prize!


comments +

  1. Mikayla 'Ladwig' Norcross says:

    Wow I can’t believe I missed your response! Of course we need to get coffee sometime! That would be fabulous ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Jennifer Lyon says:

    Nate’s Grandma Hockom loves seeing the ultrasound pictures!!

  3. Jennifer Lyon says:

    I am so excited to be a grandma!!

  4. Alan Lyon says:

    Nate is awesome… nice like his mom! Very cool picture….

  5. Katie Lyon says:

    Thanks Mikayla! (hehe, my smile is way too giddy right now…) We need to get coffee sometime!

  6. Joe O'Brien says:

    very cool

  7. Mikayla 'Ladwig' Norcross says:

    oh. my. GOSH! you are just the cutest ever! I am so happy for you guys!

  8. Katie Lyon says:

    Brittney thank you so much!!! Itโ€™s so great to hear from you, too! How are you and the hubs doing? And your adorable sister?

  9. Brittney Haas says:

    AAAHHH Katie, I am so excited for you and Nate. Most of my massage clients are prenatal (my therapeutic focus), and it is just one of the most amazing things to watch a mom and her first child grow together! I wish you the best!

    p.s. And if you have any massagey, pain, health-type questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

  10. Oh my goodness Kate, Congratulations!! So excited for you! Excited to follow your updates to!!

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