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bump day – week 15

Filed in: Personal

15 weeks already? really? holy stinking guacamole…that’s kind of, really crazy. According my super-smart smart-phone, our little lyon can suck his/her thumb, sense light, and could even be hiccuping. The most bizarre thing is that this naval-orange sized baby is somehow hiding in my belly with just the teeny-tiniest-itti-bittiest-little-pathetic-excuse-for-a-bump bump, ever. I was hoping to have enough of a “bump” (yes, it still gets quotes since it’s so pathetic and tiny) to take a progress photo, but I think it will have to wait until next week!

in the meantime, since my first trimester is definitely over, i decided to play oprah this week. oh ya, that’s right, it’s the pregnant-lady’s first trimester favorite things! anyone who’s been pregnant can probably relate with some of these, and if you will be pregnant sometime in the future – take my advice and jot these down. it’ll save you bunches of time later on 🙂


1. morning sickness, or as i like to call it “every second of the day sickness”, mixed with the crazy fatigue that hits in the first 12 weeks literally made me spend more time in bed than i ever have before! entertainment was definitely a must, and what’s better than some chandler, monica, joey, rachel, ross, and phoebe to entertain? i mean, they’re pretty much the best 6 people ever. (and no, that’s not up for debate).

2. slippers are a plus. cute slippers are a must. cuz when you feel nasty, at least there’s always one cute thing you got goin’ on.

3. one of the most genius inventions ever…prenatal vitamins in gummy form! um, ya, hello amazing!

4. oh the deliciousness of oyster crackers…i’ve overlooked their potential in my pantry for so long.

5. ultrasound time! best thing ever! the first time we saw the little lyon, it made it all so worth it – and i know it’s only going to get better. and yep, that’s r2d2. because am i the only one that sees a really weird resemblance between the two?

6. it was pretty difficult to get my imac into bed with me when i wasn’t at my best, but my macbook did the job! oh apple, how i love thee….

7. who’d a thunk? lemon drops help your stomach feel better! and they’re super delish, so i ate a billion of them. no judgements, people, no judgements…

between these 7 wonderful things, knowing that the second trimester would bring better days (and it has!) along with some quality cuddles from the hubs and my pup charli, i survived and am loving being well into my 2nd trimester! also, i’ve decided that there should definitely be a how-to-survive-the-first-trimester guide right there in the box with pregnancy tests. by the time i got all this figured out, the first trimester was over!


How Far Along? 15 weeks
Maternity Clothes? nope, although i’m using my belly-band quite a bit!
Weight Gain? Still inching towards my pre-pregnancy weight but getting closer!
Stretch Marks? Nope!
Sleep? this week has been a little rough. the change from totally exhausted to having extra energy is leaving me awake at 4am!
Best Moment of the Week? do the 2 butterfinger blizzards from dairy queen count? because those were both pretty amazing moments 🙂
Movement? Not for awhile still
Gender? girl, boy? this week, i think boy!
Symptoms: evergy! a positive symptom! woohoo!
Milestones: hmmm – this one is tough this week. does getting a more comfy couch count? because i am loving it!
Emotions: so relieved to be feeling better, and getting super excited for wedding season to begin
Miss Anything? moscato. oh, moscato. . .
Food cravings: a really, really cold, good cesear salad. which is proving difficult to find.
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender, even though we have to wait another 4 and a half weeks!

comments +

  1. Jennifer Lyon says:

    I think R2D2 Does resemble the ultrasound machine!

  2. Alan Lyon says:

    Looking forward to meeting little Lyon……..

  3. Alyssa Dirschl says:

    You’ll have a huge bump in a minute, don’t worry 🙂

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